Monday, December 7, 2009

Holiday Weekend

Another Romios family activity on Thanksgiving weekend was a return visit to the Bay Area Discovery Museum in Sausalito.

Nikos enjoying the water feature - complete with fish and frogs.

Ryan Grochol - a little leery of the fish (they have teeth.)

Reese Grochol - not the least bit concerned that the fish have teeth.

Olive amuses herself. She's sporting the "Tyke" shirt that we got for Nikos.

Nikos hangs out in the gravel pit.

Olive makes friends with some wood chips.

And the day ends with the band playing some music.


Bill and Cindy said...

I never realized how much Olive and Ryan resemble each other until seeing these pics. I think it's those expressive eyes.

Bill and Cindy said...

Forgot to say: Love the pictures of Nikos in the gravel pit.