Saturday, November 7, 2009

Trick or Treating in the Hills

This year we joined the Cecchins, D'Angelos and the Cecchin neighbors for some trick or treating in the hills of Oakland. Compared to our usual trick or treating route in the Berkeley flatlands!

Nikos decided at the last minute that he would rather roll as a baseball player than a duck - so Utley it was! He joined Marco the boxer for some trick or treating prep.

Brooke also chose to eschew her puppy costume in favor of a cute Halloween shirt. Marco tells her she can be Adrian to his Rocky.

On the path to treats.

Olive also had a costume change (more out of warmness since Eeyore did not cover her feet) and became a penguin.

The crew in route.

Avery - Marco's neighbor.

The kids waiting to say Trick or Treat!

After about an hour collecting candy we headed back to the Cecchin house to relax and unwind. We let the kids stay up a little later than usual and this is how they were lookin' at the end of the night.

(Nikos in Brooke's costume's hat.)

Until next year!

1 comment:

Bill and Cindy said...

Great pics! Looks like the parents enjoyed the evening as much as the kids did.