Sunday, November 8, 2009

Rainy Day Activities

It's been a rough week in the house, what with the chief blogger being down for the count with a cold. Luckily Taki has been letting me catch up on a bunch of sleep so I have been able to get some new posts up.

On Friday I took the kids up to Habitot for the first time in awhile. The plan was to walk up but when I looked outside it was raining so I decided to drive.

The seasonal exhibit had changed again, this time to a firefighter exhibit and Nikos was thrilled.

He drove his firetruck over to the station.

Answered a call...
And raced off to fight the fire (here he is making the rushing water sound.)

He decided it would be smarter to fight fires in proper attire.

Meanwhile, Olive played in the Infant/Toddler garden.

And she met a friend in the Baby Wash exhibit. (Formerly the car wash exhibit.)

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