Thursday, November 19, 2009


Baby O celebrated 8 months on the 11th of this month. Here are some of the things about her that we are enjoying this month.

Still lovin her brother. Very into whatever he is doing. Note the struggle I had to get her to pay attention to ME during our monthly photo shoot.

The last photo also highlights the perpetual rat's nest that is the back of this poor child's head. I swear I can not keep up with it. It seems like we are constantly spraying it with detangler and painstakingly trying to comb out the knots. I'm looking forward to when she is sitting up on her own more and maybe rolling over onto her tummy in her crib so it will give the back of her poor head a rest.

She's very into grabbing things and inspecting different textures.

With two teeth, she's tried the teething cookies for the first time. She isn't really sure what to make of them yet but she seems to enjoy them.

She's great at trying all kinds of different foods and doesn't really seem to avoid anything yet. We are mostly trying out prepared baby foods, fruit and veggies. We gave her some shredded cheese for the first time this week and she tried a little piece and then summarily dumped the small pile on the floor for Bosco.

Here's Nikos at 8 months, testing out his first meatballs (he wasn't a fan.)


Acupuncture Mama said...

I think she is the cutest little girl I have ever seen...of course I may be a little biased :)

Linda said...

How precious and those BIG brown eyes so bright and happy!And big brother how cute is he now and at 8 mos before he got all big and independent. You are so blessed but I'm sure you know it.

Brenda B. said...

Congrats on the big 8!

Woods Family said...

Heather she is growing SOOOO fast!!! I feel like she was JUST born!!!!