Monday, November 9, 2009

Pain Management

When Nikos gets "hurt" and starts crying Taki tells him to run and touch the wall. Nikos runs across the room to the fridge and touches whatever hurts (hand, foot, head, etc.) to the front door of the fridge. Invariably he stops crying along the way. A few times I have been in the other room and have heard him run into something or fall or do something to cause some pain and then I hear him sob "I'm going to touch the wall." Hysterical.

Tonight I came home from work with an upset stomach. I was sitting on the couch next to Nikos and I told him that my tummy hurt, to which he replied "Momma, run and touch the wall."


Brenda B. said...

And did you do it?

The Roberts Family said...

Thats so cute! Did Tyke used to do that when he was little?

Romios Family said...

I think that Taki used to have his kids at camp do it when he was a camp counselor. And yes, for the record, I did do it. I am sure my neighbors thought that it was really attractive to see my belly pressed against my fridge. Attractive.

Brenda B. said...

Too funny!

BTW I passed on a blog award to you on my blog :)