Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Wacky Wednesday

Story of the Week

- Humid Aruba, Dutch Caribbean Islands
Time - Shortly before we are leaving to go out

Me: Ugh, my hair is so frizzy, I can't get it to look good to save my life.
Taki: Don't worry, it's dark outside.

WHAT?? Let's replay that scene the way it should have played out.

Me: Ugh, my hair is so frizzy, I can't get it to look good to save my life.
Taki: You look fabulous baby. Can I get you a drink?


Linda said...

He must have been raised by wolves!

Kelli said...

Dark outside-HA!

Bill and Cindy said...

At least he didn't say "Yeah, you're right, it does look pretty bad. We'd better not go out tonight with you looking like that."