Thursday, June 19, 2008

Miley Cyrus, Global Warming and Accidental Generosity

Miley Cyrus. I'll say it, I like her. I totally get excited when her songs come on the radio. She rocks.

Of course, I did just get SUPER excited when I heard the NKOTB song too so maybe I am just a dork.

Global warming? Love it! Seriously, it was so warm in the city all week it was fabulous. I mean I am all for the Discovery channel (hooom dee adda hooom dee adda) and global warming destroying Alaska and all but I have to say I feel it does good things for Northern California. I mean, it almost makes me not want to move back to Southern California. Almost.

And lastly...yesterday I took a mid-afternoon break to get my hair done. After fresh highlights I was feeling all happy and entering BART I heard the vocal stylings of a homeless (?) person singing in the station. Being of fabulous hair mindset and in a good mood I decided to throw a little bone to the one homeless person in San Francisco not begging me for money (while doing nothing for it.) As I walk up to him I ask "do you take bart?" thinking I drop my $9.70 ticket in his hat. He nods yes and I acknowledge with a smile and...this is where everything becomes slow motion...drop my BRAND NEW FORTY EIGHT DOLLAR TICKET into his hat. Yes, that's $48. As I tossed it in it was like slow-mo and I envisioned myself with a long and drawn out "Noooooooooooooooo." Of course, I realize what I have done and have a quick debate with karma. I mean, there is really nothing I can do, I can't take it back! So, now I hope that good karma will befall me (in Vegas this weekend) and I hope Taki won't divorce me (after reading this post.)

On an endnote, so excited that Riley lives up here now! It's like my third college friend in Northern California. Wahoo! I am really becoming quite popular.


Anonymous said...

My bet is that Taki would be more concerned with the coot of the hair appt then the Bart ticket.. plus you can probably write it off your taxes!!!

Sara said...

I have to agree with you about global warming!! I see it as a big plus for the Sunset district.

I think I wouls swallow my pride and reach back in for the BART ticket ;) Too funny!