Saturday, April 16, 2011

LA Roadtrip - The Finale

Our last friend visit of the trip was just as awesome as the first parts - unfortunately I didn't take many pictures to document it. We stayed with Jayme, Beck and Tyler at their "timeshare" (according to Nikos) in Orange County.

Sidebar - I'm always amazed at how much Nikos remembers of our previous trips (to LA and elsewhere.) When we were up by Jennie Slinger's house in Newhall he saw a white fence (that look just like the ones by Jayme's house) and he said "Are we by Jayme and Beck's house?"

Jayme and I hit up the playground with the kids (no pics) and then hung out back at their house with Beck. The next morning we took our "usual" walk to Starbucks where Nikos proceeded to kill his "usual" amount of roly polys (accidentally obviously.)

I know you aren't surprised that I didn't get an awesome pic with all three looking at the camera, I really need to work on that.

Tyler - obviously going for the hair pull with Olive.

And the best of the bunch...wonder if they will all attend Loyola together.

We started our drive home around 11am on Sunday - the kids were mesmerized by their dvd players (thanks again.)

Nikos practiced yoga (mountain pose) at a rest stop <>

Olive - taken as we pulled into our "driveway".

The whole trip was so fabulous and I am already to go back again. Thank you thank you to all my awesome friends (and relative!) who let us crash with them. I love vacations!

1 comment:

Bill and Cindy said...

We've enjoyed reading about your SoCal trip and seeing all the pics.