Friday, April 8, 2011

A Day (at the zoo) In Pictures

The kids and I headed over to the zoo today. First stop: giraffes.

One of the elephants was entertaining us by squirting water on the rocks.


Nikos poses with a statue in the African section of the zoo.

Our first ride was the train - Nikos was super excited that we got to sit in the very first seat behind the conductor. Olive (who has been on a bunch of different trains before) was terrified and kept asking if we could please get off the train.

Still terrified. She actually told me she wanted to go take a nap.

View from the train.

Olive still isn't tall enough to ride most of the rides (even though they let her on this one time) so Nikos rode solo.

He really wanted to go on the Tiger roller coaster (that Olive is too small to ride on, even with an adult) but I told him that we couldn't go on it because he had to ride with me and we had no one to hold Olive. He suggested we just have a stranger hold her. Nice. I declined and we rode the carousel instead.

The kids practice their roars.

And their lion-riding skills.

A fun day at the zoo!

- Posted using BlogPress from Heather's iPhone

1 comment:

Bill and Cindy said...

Looks like you had an enjoyable day (with the exception of Olive's impression of the train).