Friday, October 1, 2010

How Big is Baby Olive?

Baby O had her 18 month (or 18 month 3 week) doctor's appointment today. We went out to visit the cousins in the morning so we raced back to our side for her 2pm appointment, making it into the lobby with about 30 seconds to spare.

Here the kids are reading books while I hastily fill out the form and agree to things like the fact that I never drink hot things while holding Olive and she has no idea what a tv is. Ha.

Waiting for the nurse.

Stats! At almost 19 months Olive weighs 21lbs and 10.5oz (11%) and is 31inches tall (25%).

When I checked Niko's stats for the same appt (he went in at 19 months 3 weeks) he was 21lbs 12oz and 31 inches!!

Here I am trying to distract them while we wait for the nurse so they both can get their flu shots and Olive can get her vaccines.

Dr. Ray is very happy with how well Olive is doing. She chattered up a storm for the doctor and said both please and thank you during the appointment, in addition to repeating "Pop-Pop" about 10 times. We both agreed that Olive is on the same late walking track that Nikos was on (he walked unaided at 19 months) and neither of us are worried about it. She did fairly well for her 4 shots, turned bright red and held her breath for a second and then out a scream that expressed her fury, quickly calming down to Nikos serenading her with his ABCDs.

- Posted using BlogPress from Heather's iPhone

1 comment:

Bill and Cindy said...

Amazing how close the 18-19 month stats are for Nikos and Olive!