Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Vacation to Nowhere

Nikos' daycare is closed this week, so for the first time in my life ever, I took four vacation days off and I'm not going anywhere. Horrible, I know. It felt weird for it to be the Sunday before my vacation days kick in and to NOT be panicked about the fact that I hadn't finished packing yet.

Originally slated to drive down to LA with Nikos for the week, I decided to stick around home as I wasn't sure puking my way down the 5 and 405 was the way I wanted to spend my week. Although now that I think about it, sitting at Alejo's right now and tossing my cookies doesn't sound like the worst thing in the world. I bet I even could have enjoyed some Mariachi with the Spriggs! Blast!

Yesterday morning we walked up to our Starbucks (which I am determined to visit as often as possible this week since it will be closing permanently on September 12th). With a nice three mile walk under our belt, we hopped in the car (where Nikos entertained himself with a book.)

We then popped on bart and headed into the city to meet my parents to walk them to Pier 35 - where they their ship was docked for their Alaskan Cruise

After determining we could not sneak aboard by hiding in their luggage - booooooo - we dropped them off and bade them a good trip.

From the pier we walked up to Taki's work to say hi (of course, Nikos chose this time to take a two hour nap in his stroller. Good for me, not so good for Taki's coworkers that wanted to play with him.) After visiting Taki (and clocking three more miles) we headed back home to relax for the rest of the day.

This morning we once again walked up to Starbucks. While Nikos practiced his stroller yoga, I woofed down a few breakfast items. Since I am usually going to bed on an empty (not by choice) stomach, I am STARVING in the mornings!

From Starbucks we headed to Totland to enjoy the sun, sand and all of the kids at the playground. Nikos had a great time playing in the sand and burying my flip flops. (For more on this playground trip please view earlier Monkey blogs.) 

I knew it was our cue to leave when around naptime (12:30) he crawled up on my stomach (I was sprawled out next to him in the sand) and laid his head down. So cute!

Stay tuned for tomorrow's fun adventures at the park with the cousins and Brayden!


Kelli said...

How can you possibly walk that far after puking that much? You do deserve a gold medal. Go sit on the couch and have some ice cream or something.

Jen said...

You should be relaxing on your vacation not walking a freakin' marathon! Relax and eat, that's what you do on vacation at home or not. Wish you were in LA though - the Villafanas were listening to the mariachi too.