Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Missing: Monkey

Sh*t sh*t sh*t. We just got back from the park to discover a member of our party is missing (no Sarah, I didn't forget Bosco this time) - it's MONKEY! Ahhhh. Nikos fell asleep on the way home so I put him down for a nap and now am waiting for him to wake up or for one of my neighbors to come home so I can drive back up to the park, fingers crossed. 

AHHHHHHHHHHHH. Luckily I saw a store where we can buy another one if needed.

Last Seen - Berkeley Totland, approximately 12:45pm. Most likely tossed over the side of stroller. Pictured below (for identification purposes.) Right ear is dirty (run-in with stroller
 wheel on way to Philadelphia) and left hand has small stain (portabello mushroom juice). If found please email!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I saw a monkey actually jump off a stroller in North Berkeley.