Monday, May 5, 2008

Weekend Update with Heather Romios

Seriously, will this cold/flu ever end? It seems like Taki and I keep trading symptoms. I am starting to worry that Nikos is going to think that opening your car door at every third stop sign and spitting is an acceptable behavior.

Here are a few cute pictures from the last week or so. Sorry I am so late, please refer to the aforementioned spitting at stop signs (and occasionally out the window and on the car door, thus necessitating the stopping.)

First taste of chai and he is hooked. No comments about the Princess Leia hair people, I'm sick damn it.

Daycare was closed for vacation one day last week and Grammy came to babysit. She got some cute shots of Nikos in the "bath". Love how he is modest in this one. Way to hide the boys and make it look like a pose.

Lately he has become quite the little squirm bug, squirming all over the changing table, in his crib, in his high chair. Here's an action shot half way through butternut squash and corn.

Friday night Romios-hosted Happy Hour was not one to be missed. We were chosen as an impromptu venue for the Raiderette auditions. Some would say that as this point the night took a turn for the worse...I, on the other hand, say Go Raiders!

Unfortunately, Nikos left the festivities before the head cheerleader was selected (congratulations Kathy) and went to bed before I could get his 11 month picture. Of course I asked Taki to go take a picture of him anyway.

I think I am trying to stick to this since I am pissed that I wasn't clever like Meredith and Tom and their Spiderman photo montage. Boo! I guess that is what the next one is for...ha!

Saturday started out with Nikos and I heading to the city for my hair appointment.

After causing no less than three people to abandon their seat next to me due to continuous coughing - I wanted to tell them I wasn't contagious but since Taki appears to have sprung the same thing I wasn't so sure - we made it to Zindagi Salon. Nikos was the hit of the place, impressing everyone by sitting happily in his stroller for two hours and then falling asleep in what ended up being a two and a half hour nap. What?? I know. Much to Taki's chagrin I got in a few hours of mall shopping before he woke up.

When I arrived home Taki and Vernie were working on the deck so Mel and the kids drove out and we went on a walk. Somehow we managed to trick Vernie into doing seven hours of manual labor, all for attendance at the neighbor's First Communion (+ keg) party and Zachary's pizza. Thanks Vernie!

Mel, Kira, Maile and Tyke.

Nikos (behind the pizza crust), Mason and I.

Vernie (here's hoping he does not remember to wash this shirt and give it back.)

Nikos was totally into Mason.

Below are what I can only guess to be stills from a Zachary's photo shoot. I mean, what respectable mother would let her child go to a restaurant and then cover his face with a mixture of pizza sauce and squash? Certainly not me.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I don't know what's more appalling. Your continuous recounting of your spitting... or Kathay on the floor in the splits. WHAT WHAT?? You miss one happy hour and here's what happens.