Monday, May 26, 2008

Global Warming Is a Myth

Memorial Day Weekend conjures images of sun, sand and bbqs. Our lovely weekend, however, was comprised of snow, hail and takeout. Fun stuff. Despite the fact that Nikos was a little bit sick (sporting a 102 degree fever at points) we ended up having a good time with great friends.

Friday was my day off but I had to run into work for a few hours. Jack picked Nikos and I up a little before 8am and we carpooled into the city. I packed the whole bag of tricks so I could get some work done. After the obligatory adorable-child-showoff rounds at work I plopped Nikos on the floor and surrounded him with toys where he played for awhile and amused my coworkers with his I-think-I-may-crawl-oh-no-maybe-not routine. Around his usual 11am naptime he conked out at work. Sweet.

Taki had to work late so Nikos and I bunked up with the D'Angelos for the drive to Tahoe. It was a tight squeeze but we made the best of it. (For more on the SIX HOUR car ride - including the reason Nikos was sporting nothing but a diaper on the side of Highway 80 - visit Katie's blog).

If you look carefully you can see Nikos experiencing his first snow flurries (there's one on the upper left of his forehead and one on the left side of the stroller.

Here is a shot out our window on the Saturday morning...and later on that day.

Despite the snow flurries we were determined to take the kids for a swim in the Ridge's Indoor/Outdoor pool. You'll notice that the kids are appropriately dressed...Jack, on the other hand, not so much.

Ha - clearly Jack took our admonishment of dressing appropriately to heart. Feel free to make this your screensaver. Rightclick-save. Rightclick-save.

Sunday turned out to be a beautiful day so we went for a nature walk to enjoy the scenery.

Here's a fun comparison of the same shot at Thanksgiving.

Katie and Brooke become one with nature and pose with a bluejay.

We plan to make this an annual shot. Brooke just told Nikos that she's crushing on the handsome 20-something year old boy she was flirting with at breakfast.

Jack shows Taki the ways of the world. I believe he even said something like "see - this is what it's like with two kids - easy."

Believe it or not, this is Nikos' first shoulder ride. He was a big fan.

After our walk we headed over to Applebees to enjoy their giant confusing menu...and their bloody marys and mojitos.

I think Nikos just saw the picture of Jack in his hat.

Here are the lovebirds that we shared the timeshare with - let the record show that Katie did suggest renewing our vows as a rainy day activity.

As I am sure you expected, I forced Taki to stop on the way home so we could get pictures of Nikos and his first time in the snow.

YES. This shot is for Kelli.

While I was enamored with the plate of cheese fries (with ranch!) Nikos was more into the tropical ceiling fans and colored lights.

While it wasn't the weather we expected, we did pack some fun into the weekend. We narrowly managed to avoid Pedialyte-vodka cocktails while partaking in m-n-m Blackjack. Love it.


Sarah said...

Love all the pics. Were you worried because Jack and Katie love each other more than you guys? ;)

Sara said...

Ok, I know the photo of Jack should be the star of this post, but I can't get over Nikos sleeping on the floor at your work!! What a sleep rockstar!

Kelli said...

Thanks for the shout-out and for picking on the fat kid.