Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Help. Pak and Play Needed in Chicago

Does anyone have any friends living in Chicago that could lend me their pak and play for a few days? Just found out the hotel doesn't offer them (?? - I guess they figure families don't stay at boutique-y hotels...this does not bode well for our trip to NYC) and that baby rental site babysaway doesn't have any available for Chicago. Boooooo. I could bring ours and check it but I was planning on just bringing Nikos, the diaper bag and the stroller since Taki already headed out with all of our other stuff. Thoughts?


Darcy said...

My only suggestion, and I am sorry it is not a very good one, would be to just buy a cheap one once you get there. Target has one for about $40. It might be worth the money just so you don't have to lug yours around. Then you can tell the hotel you are giving it to them to donate since they are stupid for not offering them.

Sarah said...

Put Niko to sleep in the bathtub. I mean, really, he'll sleep anywhere.

Unknown said...

Buying there is not a bad idea... we traveled with ours and it wasn't bad at all though...