Me: In need of a tshirt. This event most likely occurred in the latter months of my pregnancy or post-Nikos.
Dear Friend,
I have enjoyed our tshirt for X number of months now. I have slept in it a few times and have even lounged around the house. However, I feel that it is time for this tshirt to return to its rightful owner. Not that I am not grateful, it’s just that by keeping you I undermine my argument with Taki that we need to curtail our tshirt consumption (READ: get rid of some of the 15 SI Alumni tshirts residing in the top drawer.) FIFTEEN. Seriously. He has only been an alumnus for 11 years. How does one end up with 15 shirts in 11 years? I lay awake at night thinking about it. Are they like gremlins? When you add water to them do they multiply? Does he secretly ransack Jack and/or Jeff’s closets when we visit? Are all those trips to the bathroom really covering up his SI tshirt addiction? We may never know.
Back to the matter at hand. Here’s a photo in case I have had your tshirt for so long (totally possible) that you have forgotten what it looks like.
That looks like one of your dad's t-shirts, Heather. Did you by chance raid his dresser while you were staying at our house????? PS - He probably hasn't realized it's missing yet so we can sneak it back into his drawer before he finds out.
heh heh- funny that it is dad's!! That's what happens when you move BACK-in with your parents. :P
Maybe you can sneak a few SI shirts into his drawer while you're at it.
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