Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Looks Like We Are Rooting for the Underdog Again

Being a new parent you are under a lot of pressure to raise a well-rounded child full of good intentions. Of course, I want Niko to witness a lot of my good deeds to balance his first memory of margarita salt on his forehead. Details.

Here we are before we entered the fire station to vote. I had to explain to him that the poll workers are not actually firemen (I know, it was pretty heartbreaking for me too when I found out. At least I don't have to worry about looking cute when I go to vote anymore!)

And here's the after shot. I am actually a little bit worried about posting this because I think it may be illegal. I mean, if burning a flag is a crime, and leaving the flag out in the rain is looked poorly upon, surely chewing on it can't be much better.


Sarah said...

I think he ate a star off. That's okay. I'm pretty sure it's too cold in Alaska anyway. Off with their heads.

The Roberts Family said...

man that kid chews on everything! :)