Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Happy Hour and the Return of the Mitz

We capped off a fun day hanging out with Sarah and Marco by meeting up with Taki for Happy Hour. First we went out to the Hob Nob in Alameda, where Taki's old coworkers from Benefit were having a get together. After that we headed back over to Albany to meet our Bison friends at Patrick's restaurant, Bui. We all got together to celebrate the fact that Michael was back from Vietnam for a short visit.

Here Tony tries out the role of Mr. Mom.

Thanks to Tony, we had many, many wine bottles to choose from.

Taki and The Mitz

And just for fun, here's one of the two of them in their hayday. December 2003.

I have to say, except for the bad angle on Taki on the newest pic, they both look remarkably the same. Taki still has the same haircut and Mitz still has that slightly sleazy smile going on.

This one is for Chuck - who I am sure doesn't read the blog but maybe Gina can pass it along? When Taki went to the bathroom (okay okay, in the interest of full disclosure, during one of his many trips to the bathroom) he spotted this ad for Astreya on the back of the bathroom door. Nice. I am the dork that made him go back and take a picture.

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