Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Photo Shoots and Hand-Me-Downs

Last Friday was my day off of work (I work all my hours in four days so I have one day off a week) so I got to play Stay-at-home-mom/Maternity-leave-mom and hang out with Sarah. It was a lot of fun. Sarah, Marco, Nikos, Bosco and I went for a long walk and grabbed some lunch. I won't make you suffer through the boring details and if you want to know what scandalous thing happened at Andronico's you are going to have to go to Sarah's blog to find out. And I am not even going to link you there because I still feel bad about it.

Anyway, after we were at home we forced Nikos and Marco into a photo shoot. It's so funny to look at them and think that they are almost the same number of months apart as Jeff and Taki. In this picture Marco is three weeks and two days old, Niko is 1 day shy of 8 and 1/2 months.

Obviously in this picture Nikos is trying to turn Marco's face towards the camera. Can you tell he and Brooke have suffered through many of these photo shoots? He has it down by now.

Here is a picture of Nikos in the same outfit when he was 3 weeks old (right before his first Giants game)!


Sarah said...

Niko should tell him to apply a little powder.

Linda said...

How adorable!!Niko looks so grown- up like he's taking care of Marco. Sweet babies. I wonder why I only had 3???????

Jen said...

They are too cute!! I can't believe how big Niko is now. And how pathetic...he is eight months old and I haven't met him yet! What a terrible friend.