Sunday, February 10, 2008

Mug shots!

We are headed to Aruba this summer and Niko and I need to get passports. Mine is a renewal and Niko needs to apply for his first . Here we see Niko preparing to take his passport photo.

Say cheese!

Nikos awaiting the results. Anxious to see how his photo turned out.

Still waiting.

Let's go already! It's a digital photo. What's taking so long?

For $13 you think this wouldn't take all day. Nice profit margin UPS Store.

Wait for it....

What follows is what you'll see on the evening news if Niko and I ever decide to knock over a liquor store.


The Roberts Family said...


Romios Family said...

Can we talk about the fact that Taki looks like a serial killer in his? I wanted him to take a new one but he wanted to save the $13. THIRTEEN DOLLARS. I think it will be worth it for the fact that we are probably going to be flagged on every international flight we are on for the next 10 years. And you can really tell Nikos is like his dad in his picture. If he was like me he would have a giant smile, showing off his two little teeth.

Jeff said...

This is hysterical. A real modern day Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. That is, if Butch was a shoe bomber and Sundance was Mr. Bill from Saturday Night Live (

Sarah said...

Marco and I ran into the office to check on Jeff who I thought was choking, but was just in a hysterical fit of red faced laughter. I'll miss Taki when he's in Abu Ghraib.

Romios Family said...

I am crying, crying over these comments I am laughing so hard. Someone at work just walked by, saw the tears and asked if I was okay. I had to lie and say I stubbed my toe.

The Roberts Family said...

2 teeth?! When did that happen?

Bill and Cindy said...

Didn't we see these mug shots hanging in the post office Most Wanted posters??!!

Kelli said...

I can barely type I am laughing so hard. I just had to read all the comments out loud to Ted so he could understand why there are tears running down my face.

Jack said...

1. greek mafia

A gang devoted to reeking havock in the country of Greece. see mafia peri gmak

D'Angelo Family said...

Taki is very very scary.

Linda said...

I would have given him the $13!!! Of course he probably would have pocketed it to buy cigs and candy bars in jail. Taki, you should have worn an orange jump suit. I hope we see you in Aruba. love Mom

Jeff said...

cigs and candy bars!?! That's the greatest.