Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Things I Love About These Ages

Olive is working on her alphabet and numbers. While she has some of it down, she still has a little way to go to master it. I'll try and get it on tape, but here is a rundown of her counting skills.

(In English): One, Two, Three, Five, Six, Eight, Nine, Ten. Hmm, no idea what happens to Four and Seven.

And now for the cutest! (In Spanish): Uno, Dos, Tres, Quatro, Niko, Olive. Seriously, that's how she counts to five in Spanish. So cute. I have to get it on tape!

Niko is really into hugging Olive lately. ALL.THE.TIME. Now, I am not saying he is nice to her all the time, but he just always wants to hug her. Now Olive has a mind of her own and while she likes being hugged she totally denies Nikos the right to hug her at least half the time he tries. Poor kid!

1 comment:

Hap and Sue said...

What a great post!! Love the counting in Spanish!!