Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Olive's 2 Year Appt (A Little Early) or How Olive Spent Aunt Sue's Birthday

We had Olive's 2 year doctor's appointment today (about a month early) and she did a fabulous job charming everyone in the office.

She was not thrilled for the weigh in.

Here are her stats at (almost) 23 months:
Weight: 22lbs and 4 oz and 6th percentile
Height: 33 inches and 50th percentile

Nikos comparison at almost 26 months:
Weight: 24lbs 4oz and 6th percentile
Height: 35 inches and 25th percentile

She was chatting up a storm and making sure that baby also got her ears and mouth checked.

Here is what she is up to lately:
Shoe size
: 4-5. She loooves shoes and is very opinionated about which ones she wants to wear. Current favorites are her red "sparkle" shoes, her gold "princess" sandals and her pink "sparkle" shoes.
Clothes size: She is in mostly 12-18 or 18-24 months. Just like Nikos, some of the stuff that fits her in length is too big for her waist. 6-12 month for shorts (!), 12-18 or 18-24 for pants. She is very opinionated about what she wants to wear - for the appointment this morning she picked out two tutus and her gold princess shoes.
Favorite phrases: "I want bite!" and "Where baby?"
Mealtime: She does pretty well with eating (at last compared to Nikos.) Her current favorites are mac and cheese, hot dogs, eggs, bacon and pizza.

Here are a few videos I took while we were at the doctor's office.

And here's a cute video from a few weeks ago when we visited the doctor to find out that Olive had an ear infection. Yes, she is putting baby on timeout in this video. Which makes me wonder: do they have to put her on timeout at daycare or is she just re-enacting when we put Nikos on timeout at home?


Hap and Sue said...

It looks and sounds like you had more fun on my birthday than I did!! haha!! We had a 2 day ice storm (turned out better than predicted) and I was lucky enough to get a stomach virus from my grandkids!! Really, I had a nice birthday and appreciate all the happy wishes!!
I can't get over how big Olive is getting!! She is a real cutie -- just like her brother and Kienzle cousins!! Good luck with the giving up the pacifier!!
Hi and love to all!!

Bill and Cindy said...

I checked your records from that age, but unfortunately, your '2-year' checkup was at 27 months! By then you weighed 26 lb, 13 oz and were 36" tall. I wish we had been given percentile info. That might help with comparison purposes.

Kristin said...

She is so cute! I love hearing her saying and faves. I still can't get over how big she is getting --- how long can we refer to her as "Baby" O??