Sunday, January 2, 2011

Yes, We Had a Tree This Year

I know I am waaaaaay behind again (especially since we took our tree down yesterday) but here ya go...

Once again we headed to our neighborhood treelot (Home Depot) to select our Christmas Tree. We went through the same charade where I made Taki open up a bunch of them because I figure the ones that were already opened had been rejected for some reason by those that had come before us.

Nikos checks out some trees. We decided to go Noble Fir again since they seem to hold the heavier ornaments better.

Olive and her crazy pigtails enjoyed tugging me back and forth to look at different trees.

Hmm - seems like she has a penchant for flashing people. Must come from her father. Obvs.

Once we found "the One" we loaded it up on the car - the correct way this time thanks to advice from Mich.

Nikos waits for Olive to join him in the Tree/Car picture.

Still pretending to be an only child...

Olive shatters his daydream.

And for my fun blast from the past.

2007 - Nikos 6 months. We picked up the tree right after our Santa visit. Wow, so scheduled and getting things done. Go 2007 Heather!

2008 - Nikos 18 months. Wow, one kid and I had my sh*t together. Notice the fact that his shirt displays a car with a Xmas tree loaded on it? Seriously, I had more time on my hands (oh and more money to buy cute Xmas tree shopping attire.)

2009 - Nikos 2.5 years, Olive 9 months

Until next year...

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