Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Return of EBHH/Berkeley

A few weeks ago we brought EBHH back to our place - with special Peninsula guests the Grochols!

Towards the end of the night, many drinks later, one of the adults looked over and saw Reesey cutting Brookie's hair. (did I mention Katie had already left and Brookie has a small history with bad haircuts - good thing she can pull them off!) There was a momentary freak out before we realized the scissors were just the playdoh ones. Phew!

The adults relaxed and let the kids play barbershop.

Nikos & Marco

Marco cuts Brookie's hair while Ryan supervises.

The girls take over.

And a sign of a good party.

Who's hosting next week??

- Posted using BlogPress from Heather's iPhone

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love it that even Puddy got in on the action!