Saturday, January 1, 2011


We've been so busy lately but here are some cute shots of the kids.

I tried out a new indoor cafe and playplace in Oakland. The kids had a good time exploring and I had a better time being appalled about how most of the nannies there were completely ignoring the kids they were with and were instead chatting with each other. Made me happy that we don't have our kids with a nanny.

Olive was very proud of herself figuring out the slide all on her own.

Next up - rocking baby.

I need to get her to stop bringing that baby into these kinds of places since other kids just think it is the playplace baby. I then get to hear Olive screeching "No tank you , No tank you, my baby!" when they attempt to steal it. Luckily the nannies stop their charges from wrenching the baby from Olive's arms...oh wait, I guess I'm the one that has to deal with that.

Nikos spent a lot of time in the ball pit.

After leaving the playplace we cruised over to Two Thomas Park to take in some fresh air.

Doesn't the track suit kill? Ha!

Nikos is pissed because Olive decided she wanted to drive the "Mickey" (??) car.

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