Sunday, January 30, 2011

Night 1 of Pacifier Elimination

Since Olive was about a year old she has been using pacifiers for only naps & bedtime. Well, mean momma decided that we should cut them out altogether so tonight is Night One! I told her how she was a big girl and only babies needed pacifiers and that we were going to give her pacifiers to a baby who needed them. Nikos had lots of questions about this and seemed a little upset by the whole thing. "Why are you giving Olive's pacipiers away? Won't she be sad?" Funny, for someone that never used pacifiers himself he seemed very concerned about Olive having to give hers up.

Here is our goodbye song.

YouTube Video

Yes, the goodbye song sounds suspiciously just like a goodnight song - implying that she thinks they will reunite sometime in the future.

Taki mentioned that the night before I have a big interview might not be the best time to try this out - ha. BUT so far so good. We'll keep you posted!

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