Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Silver Lake - Grand Finale

I know, I know, it took me FOREVER to get to this post. Sorry. Chaos in the Romios household...really, trust me.

Here's the Silver Lake wrap-up!

On Saturday morning we headed up to the Lake - did I mention that since we were down Robin we had exactly the same number of kids as adults. Uh huh, crazy.

Ahh, boys and their...watering cans?

(Nikos still rockin the 6-12 month swim trunks.)

Hugs all around!

Some photos taken by the kids.

Photographer credit: Ryan

Photographer credit: Nikos

After the lake (and some naps thank goodness!) we walked the kids down to see the horses. Most of the kids were THRILLED while one in particular appears to still be clinging to his fear of horses. (Mom and Dad, I saw shades of the Elephant Incident! It wasn't nearly as bad though, thank goodness!)

Enjoying the horses.

NOT enjoying the horses.

Next up - pretend playing the arcade games.

We then enjoyed some good cocktails and great company down at the bar and then back at the cabin.

Sunday morning we packed up and headed back to Berkeley. Thanks for having us Cecchins!


The Press Family said...

Wow, that looks like a fabulous place! I don't even know where Silver Lake is! Except for the one down here, of course.
Ha, can you believe the word verification I have to type to submit this is "slingl"...they must have known it was me.

Darcy said...

Looks like you guys had a lot of fun, I so wish I could get to the cabin more often! And that bridge is the place for kid pictures, classic!