Thursday, January 1, 2009

Discover This!

The weekend after Christmas Nikos and I met up with Mel and the kids, my mom and my Aunt Connie to visit the Bay Area Discovery Museum in Sausalito. We had such a great time and the kids really enjoyed it!

Kira tries out the gravel pit.

Nikos explores a shipwreck.

Grammy tries to convince Nikos to crawl onto the spiderweb.

Three out of four!

Mason and Nikos chill in the giant stump.

Nikos and Kira make some music on the makeshift frog instruments.

Kira does her best imitation of a baby bird.

Tree climbing!
Nikos and Kira play in the Totspot tidepools.

I can't get him on a rocking horse to save my life "No No No!" but he climbs on a rodent without a second thought. Go figure.

Kira "fake feeds" Nikos some yogurt melts. Unfortunately, Nikos didn't realize that the melts that Kira was feeding him were imaginary and he not-so-fake bit her finger. Whoops.

Nikos tries out a new move on the slide.

Grammy and Mason ride some sort of exercise machine that creates energy.

Obligatory cousins picture.

Aunt Con and Grammy pose with Nikos and Kira - originally all four cousins were supposed to be in this picture but for once my child was not the difficult one for the photo shoot. Hee hee.

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