Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Aloha Part One

We just got back from a fabulous vacation in Kauai with family and good friends. We flew to the island with my parents and the Roberts family and then were joined by the Cecchins and finally Anut Sandy. We had a great time relaxing in the sun, reading books, napping, enjoying cocktails (some with less alcohol than others), swimming and spending time with those we love. Of course, I am already planning a return visit to Hawaii (either in Maui in '10 or Kauai in '11!) Please enjoy the smattering of pictures below - a few of the 487 I took!

Once again, Nikos was a stellar flyer on the plane. I was a little nervous this time since our last flight was in August on the way back from New York - before Nikos was actively walking around. He did really well on both flights, sleeping for 2-2.5 hours each way and than amusing himself with books, small toys, snacks and his new kiddie laptop (thanks for the suggestion D'Angelos!)

Upon arrival, Nikos, Monkey and I wasted no time bellying up to the bar at the Embassy in Poipu (okay, some of us were more belly up than others.) I told Nikos that this is where his Daddy and I had our rehearsal bbq before our wedding but he didn't seem too impressed. He was, however, very impressed by the virgin lava flow he got to split with me.

Walking on the Embassy grounds with Daddy.

Enjoying the sand and the pool.

Day one of One, Two, Threeees with Daddy.

The Cecchins arrive! We put them in charge of the kids and celebrate with a round of drinks (notice how the only full one is my diet coke in the foreground - ha!)

Daddy and Nikos cruise Poipu Beach.

Sarah and I took the kids over to the Roberts timeshare where Grammy and Pop-Pop were babysitting while Mel and Vernie enjoyed dinner at Tidepools. Nikos and Marco partook in some bed-jumping hijinks before we split and left the aftermath for my parents.

Isn't karma fun? After Mel and Vernie returned from dinner they brought over some frogs to amuse and rile up our kids.

Nikos, Marco, Kira and I relax in the hammock while we watch Maile and Mason fish in the pond.
Pool time!

We enjoy the calm seas at Brennecke Beach.

And lunch afterwards at Brennecke's!

We stick the grandparents and Anut Sandy with the kids at the pool - wahoo!

Nikos and Daddy check out the fish at Lydgate Park.

Oh look - they found a whale!

Eek. I think this post is long enough for now. I'll give you a break and post the rest tomorrow! :)

1 comment:

Sara said...

The trip looks so relaxing and fun, which is hard to believe considering how many kids were involved!! The key is all the babysitters :)