Thursday, January 22, 2009

Before We Are Four - To Do List

Alternate titles for this post include Are You On Crack Heather? and Why Taki is Applying for the Reality Show "Wife Swap"*.

* Disclaimer. I totally stole this punchline from a story a good friend told me. However, I feel no guilt about blatantly plagiarizing his witty remark since, after reading out loud a text from said friend which included the exclamation "Balls!" (in response to the Eagles flaming ruin of a playoff game) Nikos walked around the house for two days saying "Balls!"

So, some of you may remember that we started renovating our house when I was newly pregnant, adding on a few hundred extra square feet and basically gutting the whole place. Well, we still aren't finished. Did I mention that this construction started when I was pregnant with NIKOS? Uh huh. Geniuses that we are, we decided to save money by completing some of the finishing touches on our own. Taki assured me it would be done in no time. Uh huh. And so, last Sunday THE list made its debut.

Yes, even Nikos looks overwhelmed.

Update - 4 days later (Countdown: 5 weeks and 6 days) there is one item checked off on the list and it is on my side (the right.) This does not bode well my friends.


Anonymous said...

In taki's defense.. i think the title of the list can be confusing.. I interpret it as.. all of these items need to be done before your forth kid!!! that give taki at least 2more years!!

Romios Family said...

Jack (aka Builder Bob), Taki specifically told me that he would father NO MORE children with me and that if I wanted more I would have to have them with someone else/

Linda said...

I volunteer to watch Nikos on the weekends so you two can have at it.
Good luck and I hope the new baby doesn't decide to come early.

The Roberts Family said...

Ummm, it wasn't THAT long ago when you were pregnant with Nikos!!!