Monday, September 10, 2007

Eight Random Things

So I guess this chain letter of sorts is going around challenging people to post eight random things that not many people know about them on their blog. I'll try my best, but really I am such a big mouth I doubt all of them will be a surprise to anyone.

1. I watch too much tv, and many of the shows/movies I watch have an investigator/spy theme (CSI, Law and Order, Alias...etc.). I guess I immerse myself a little bit too much into the shows since after we are done watching them I always feel like I am a spy or secret investigator. For instance, after we left the Bourne Ultimatum a few weeks ago I was sort of dodging around feeling like people were on our tail and I was trying to lose them. I know, total dork.

2. Contrary to popular belief, I don't like to dance. I only like to dance after I drink A LOT. I recently had to reiterate this point at Jayme's bachelorette party when everyone was asking me why I wasn't dancing. "But at your wedding..." Yes people, please remember that at my wedding I was convinced I was ChaCha from Grease and was constantly flipping up my skirt all night. This is not something one does sober.

3. I am a scaredy cat. I am afraid of the dark, afraid of crickets, afraid of hair when it is not attached to the body (well, I am afraid of Taki's back hair and that is still attached, so I guess that is an exception), afraid of being the only one downstairs/upstairs when everyone else is on the other floor, etc.

4. One of the reasons I chose to go to Loyola Marymount was that they served breakfast in the Terrace Room all day. Seriously, I have it written down in my little Heather's College Tours notebook. Other deciding factors include the fact there was no mandatory church attendance (unlike Pepperdine) and no curfews for boys in your dorm room - classy.

5. I have two tatoos. Two dolphins that everyone knows about on the top of my right foot and a small blue dot on my right wrist that my boyfriend from high school tatooed on me while I was taking a nap. He was going to write his name but I woke up. Can you imagine if I had Tony tatooed on my wrist?? Taki would not be happy.

6. I mispronounced Taki's full first name for FIVE YEARS before he told me I was saying it incorrectly (and he only told me because I asked him if I was saying it right). For the record it is pronounced PAHN A YO TIS not PAHN E YO TEES. Accent on the YO.

7. Sophomore year, after ordering pizza two nights in a row from Dominos (310-216-6886), a prophetic deliveryman told me "Girl, you're gonna get chunkyyyyy".

8. When I was a little all I did was read books everywhere I went. Bobsey Twins, Nancy Drew, Sweet Valley High Twins, you name it I read it. My parents actually talked about the fact that they were afraid that I was going to be completely anti-social and not have any friends. Hee!

I'm going to challenge Taki to do this but I seriously doubt it is going to happen since he still hasn't posted his entry on the house renovation to this blog. Of course, if Taki does do it expect a lot of one word answers.

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