We left our house on Friday around noon (planned departure was 10:30a) and started the drive to Carpinteria (about 12 miles south of Santa Barbara.) I wasn't too worried about the drive since we have taken the kids on a bunch of them already, and I've done pretty much the same drive with the kids solo. Of course, as they get older it adds new wrinkles. Nikos was pretty much great for the whole drive, thanks to his red "computier" (dvd player) and a selection of Heather-approved videos (ie. do NOT bring that god forsaken Thomas video!) Of course, fate dealt me a blow when the Thomas video was the one that was already in the player when he opened it. DOH! Anyway, he did really well. My big concern with Nikos was the potty breaks. I had made the mistake of reading the Stecher roadtrip blog entry shortly before I left and I was imagining us pulling over every 15 minutes. I did calm down a little bit when I remembered they had TWO potty trained kids to deal with. Of course, a few minutes later I remembered that I had Taki's pee breaks to deal with as well so I started panicking again. Turns out Nikos did really well. I won't mention who had to stop more times to pee.
Olive was a little more of a handful, we did turn her seat around so she could face forward and we finally remembered to bring that little pacifier leash, so we weren't playing Where In the World Is Your Pacifier every 20 minutes. Of course, being the little miss 'tude that she is she was a little pissed that the pacifier was attached to her. Oh, sooo Olive.
After two hours we stopped for gas and a potty break. Two hours later we stopped again to eat a healthy lunch at McDonalds. Every roadtrip we go on Taki and I say we need to find out where the McDonalds are with the playplaces so we can stop there and let Nikos burn off some energy. Why is this so hard? From the car their website was too clunky to find them easily - someone please tell me there is an app for this that I can just download? I guess next time we should just try and plan it out before we leave - but it doesn't seem like it should be that hard.
Olive sports the windblown look on the patio after lunch.
After another 2.5 hours (6.5 hours total for the trip) we pulled into the campground. What a great location! Here is a shot of Taki and Olive - and this is directly diagonal from our campsite!
Here is Nikos checking out our living situation for the next five days and four nights.
Olive surveying the view.
The next morning we took a walk down the beach. Nikos absconded with Olive's hat again, little sneak.
Olive conks out on the walk.
More to come!
Thanks, Niko for the retirement wishes! I can't believe it but... the tent you stayed in is exactly like ours (which we just set up for the retirement bash) and we have the exact chair that Niko is "dancing" in! It's a small country after all!
That campground looks so inviting! What a great spot. Glad you all had such a good time.
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