Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Gingerbread Men, Santas and Pandas...Oh My!

I love the holidays! I would say it gives me an excuse to dress my child in ridiculous outfits...but as all my regular blog readers know, sadly, I don't feel I need the excuse. Ha!

Christmas Eve we headed over to Jeff and Sarah's house to enjoy a crab feed with Sarah's mom, Sarah's grandma and my parents. Niko was feeling festive so he dressed like a gingerbread man. (I know...he is going to be mortified when he grows up.) Here is a cute shot of him, passed out from all of the excitement. You can also take the time to look at our noses...the ONE physical trait I think he gets from me.

Christmas morning we headed out to my parents house to enjoy breakfast and present-opening with Niko's cousins. Mason and Maile were excited to see "Little Santa" when we got him out of his car seat. Kira seemed pretty indifferent about it.

Here is another one of our attempts to get a picture of all of them. Maile is looking none-to-thrilled, poor baby Kira is a bit hidden, Nikos is looking the wrong way...thank goodness for the publicity-loving Mason!

Yes, I know, I am expecting b*tchy comments from some of you about how I wore the same sweater two days in a row - at least Nikos had a new outfit on!

Little Santa, flirting with the camera.

I took the day off today since Niko's daycare is closed all week. Niko dressed up in one of his new Christmas outfits and we headed down to 4th Street for some post-Christmas bargains. God knows, if there is a sale on Holiday paraphernalia anywhere, I need to be in on it. We are now the proud owners of 8 pumpkin appetizer plates from Crate and Barrel and a set of 4 International Santa appetizer plates. Fun!

PS - Love the drool around the collar.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

It's not the two sweater days. It's the "day two" butter on the front that you're still sporting from the crab feed.