Monday, December 10, 2007

Finally - a New Post!

Who knew that once you started a blog, if you slacked a little bit with your updates you would actually get semi-hate email demanding new updates!! Well, I am going to try and appease the masses and get a few posts in today.

Sadly, the reason I am home from work today (and able to update the blog) is that Nikos and I are both sick. I have a cold which is really more annoying (and causing a few looks of disgust from my fellow Starbucks patrons - more on that later) but Nikos has a stomach bug. Poor guy has thrown up a few days in a row, and I mean PROJECTILE vomiting. I guess he takes after his cousins in more than just the Shorty-BigHead way. Poor Tyke, each time he has been holding and Niko has drenched not only himself (sleeper, onesie underneath, everything!) but it also inspires a change of clothing for Taki also. In a panic I made Taki call Jack and Katie (Brooke was down with the same thing last week) and I felt a lot better after talking to them and getting the scoop. The only plus side about his condition is that he takes longer naps during the day (that's right, his usual 30-45 minutes have quadrupled!) Right now he is snoozin in his stroller in the middle of Sbux, which leads me to the explanation as to why we are here (okay okay Mom and Mel, I know you are saying "yeah, like you need a reason!" Anyway, our house is still under construction and for some reason our internet connection is being stubborn. Apparently the people at Linksys don't really "do" technical service for Macs (WTF?) so we need to get it straightened out. So, this morning when Niko, Bosco and I were awakened to the sound of LOUD hammering they are putting the siding on our house" we decided to walk up to Starbucks/Safeway for an internet/chai/dayquil/pedialite run. Yes, I am a multi-tasker. Alright, I am sure this is boring for everyone, and Bosco is outside alone, so I will get to posting some pictures and then head home.

And just noticed that I am posting under Taki's name, will have to log out of that. Obviously you guys could tell it was me from my sparkling wit...right? :)

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