Monday, November 1, 2010

Trick or Treat x Two

Hmm - suddenly I have a whole lotta time on my hands...

On Halloween day we walked the kids down to 4th Street where the vendors offered treats for the kids.

First up was Z Gallerie where we practiced our "trick or treat"s and "thank you"s.

Olive (an alien from Toy Story 1) lets Nikos (Buzz Lightyear) take the lead.

On Olive's way in she accidentally drops her likeness - alien!

Olive works up the courage to walk into the bookstore on her own.

Back outside the kids get to fish for prizes in front of a shoe store.

Olive comes out of Benefit with her loot.

Nikos eyes Olive's latest candy conquest.

And we wrap it up about an hour later when Buzz and the alien were close to melting - and I don't mean melting down, I mean actual melting since it was HOT out and the poor kids were dressed like it was Halloween in the cold parts of the country.

I think the kids were equally happy with all of the places handing out candy, while my personal favorite was the place that offered wine and cheese to the parents as well - nice!

For the actual trick or treating we headed over to the Cecchin's house.

The alien was ready to go!

Baby Jack toys with the idea of going as a fireman.

Cinderella, Hot Dog, Buzz and Alien pose begrudgingly before we head out.

Getting ready to go out the kids were SUPER excited - as evidenced in these photos.

Up at the door.

Action shot!

Sarah, Katie and baby Jack wait for the team.

We spotted a black cat! Surprised his owners let him out for the night.

The kids (with Avery the neighbor) after a successful night.


Bill and Cindy said...

So cute! Looks like all the kids had a great time.

Brenda B. said...

Love the Toy Story Theme you had going on with the kids ;)