Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Let's Go Giants!

Turns out that being at home eating bon bons all day is a lot of work - so much so that I am behind on the blog. ;)

Here's a shot from Game 5 of the World Series. I think the Chili Pepper will appreciate the fact that I got the shot without the lovely piece of our tv (GHETTO) impeding the picture.

Sadly, it made it into the second shot.

I couldn't stay on this image long enough to get the crossed arms point to the sky, as I wanted to get Taki and Nikos at the win.

I know, not great, but I think I captured the moment.

Next up - the Parade! The convenient thing about suddenly being without job is the fact that you don't need to ask for the day off.

After riding into the city on a packed train we set off to meet Taki so we could watch together. The agreement was that we were going to meet in front of Taki's work - since the alley that Method is on leads right out onto Montgomery, near the start of the parade. Taki had been checking out the window and up until the last time I talked to him (just as we got off the train) the street was not blocked off. Perhaps I should have spoken to the Philly fam about Parade etiquette and the fact that it is nearly impossible to get a cell signal or find someone. We get to the corner where we are supposed to cross to meet Taki and, shocker, the streets are already blocked off. Did I mention that I was afraid the kids were going to get a contact high from the crowd wearing the Let Timmy Smoke shirts? Perfect. Luckily in the midst of panicked calls to Taki involving "where the he** are you, it is CRAZY out here!" I ran into a man and his daughter who offered to let us share a building ledge with them. Phew.

Nikos sports his best excited face (inherited from Dad.)

Aforementioned crazy crowds.

With Nikos sitting up on the ledge behind me and Olive squirming in the ergo I tried to take some more shots of the crowd. I ended up with about 30 shots of this.

I know it's nothing but with all my combined CSI/Law&Order watching I was thinking "if there was a crime committed in one of those windows I may have caught it on tape!"

I digress...and now, what follows to be many pictures of barely visible Giants or Giants staff.

Kruk and Kuip

Jon Miller
Fear the Beard! I thought this was an m-n-m until he turned around and there was a little wind-up on his back. So who knows what it is

The back of Cody Ross (in black)!

The back of Aaron Rowand (to the right of the pole)

Matt Cain - he was so cute, videoing everything with his flip camera. (He is to the right of the hand holding the camera.)

Andres Torres!

Brian Wilson!

I don't think you can see Buster at all in this cable car, but we were really excited about this one. :)

My favorite - Aubrey Huff.

Great parade!

After the barricades came down we crossed to Taki's work to hang out for a little while.

Olive chills with the Method pup.

And shows off her orange ponytail (look closely.)

Here's to more Parades!


Unknown said...

Too funny! The beared M&M is one of Salesforce's corporate mascots. His name is Chatty. Ah, corporate cheesiness...

gina said...

I need me some OLIVE!!!