Sunday, March 28, 2010

Take Me Out (on a 14 Hour Drive) to the Ballgame

On March 13th we headed out on our first family of four roadtrip. And I mean ROADTRIP. On Saturday morning we left the Bay Area and drove down to Orange County - before you scoff at a 6 hour drive this was merely the first leg of our journey. The kids were awesome on the drive - especially since what should have been a 6 hour drive actually took 8. Yuck.

Saturday night we hung out with Jayme at the Beck's new and fabulous house in Yorba Linda. Taki's college friend Suzanne and her son Hunter (see previous post) met up with us and we had a lot of fun watching Nikos and Hunter wreak havoc in Jayme's living room.

Sunday morning, while Taki and Olive slept in (!!), Jayme, Nikos and I walked to Starbucks. After a leisurely walk back (where Jayme and I were left slightly scarred by Nikos' accidental slaughter of several rolly poly bugs), we were back on the road to Scottsdale.

Here are the kids on one of our stops.

Poor Olive still doesn't weigh enough for us to turn her car seat around (you need to be 22lbs and she's hovering around 17) so she had to face the seat the whole time.

Our view on the last part of the drive.

What followed next was a week of sun, pooltime and baseball - enjoy!

We were lucky enough to have the Grochols join us on Monday night - despite Olive's trepidation in this photo the kids all got along great.

We celebrated St. Patrick's Day while on the trip. I meant to bring green food coloring so I could dye our eggs but I totally forgot so we had to settle for yellow eggs (and bacon.)

Nikos enjoys the kids water feature by the pool.

We finally got smart and, instead of putting Olive in the crib in the timeshare for her nap we had her fall asleep in the stroller and then parked her by the pool.

After a long pool day we celebrate on our balcony with leprechaun shakes (some with more alcohol than others!)

More pooltime...Ready to go cheer on the Giants.

The Grochol's before their drive home.

We went to two Giants games - one Friday and one Saturday (before the drive to LA.) The kids did pretty well, we left the games in the 6th and 5th innings respectively.

Go Giants!


Vernie said...

You left the games in the 5th and 6th innings?!?! What are you doing training the kids to be Dodgers fans? Did you bring beachballs too?

Hap and Sue said...

Looks like you had a great time! Heather, the second picture under "more pool time" -- in that picture I think Olive looks a lot like you when you were around her age -- it reminds me a lot of the picture your parents took of you peeking around the edge of the door frame at your Westwyck house. I'll have to see if I can find my copy of that picture and scan it to you.

Sarah said...

So fun! Glad Taki scared diabetes right out of Scottsdale!

Brenda B. said...

Looks like an awesome time!