Monday, March 8, 2010

Cousins' Weekend

This past weekend I packed up the kids and headed out to my parents house. I wanted to give Taki a break for the weekend (I owed him one since he watched the kids for the entire weekend when I went away with Mel in January) and it also gave us a chance to hang with the Roberts family.

On Saturday morning (after our Starbucks run) we went to Mason's t-ball practice and then hit up the adjoining park.

Kira and Olive on the swings - they must've been checking out a cute boy on the sliding board.

Mason showing off his monkey bar skillz.

Trying to decide if they look alike at all...

...and for the record, I had Olive dressed in a really cute outfit but on the drive out she puked all over herself. I found out because Nikos said "Excuse me, mama, Olive just spit up." I thought it was adorable until he repeated it about 48 more times. Me explaining that I couldn't stop on the freeway wouldn't cut it with him.

Mason and Nikos on the swings. I gave them a stick to hold so they could pull each other and they thought it was the most fun ever.

Fresh off the sweet slide at the other park the Roberts kids showed us three really cool ones at this park. The middle slide had a bunch of bumps built into it so the kids FLEW down it. So fun to watch!

Before leaving the park I plopped Olive in Nikos' carseat so I could clean off hers. Mid-scrub I look over and catch Olive sneaking a drink of Niko's hot coco.

Sunday we threw the kids together for the cousins shot.

Here's Niko begging to hold Olive - "please Mama let me hold Olive."

Niko wins and the kids go into funny faces. Of course, I think Mason's face is bordering on scary, hopefully he'll try out a new one.


Brenda B. said...

Very cool - where is the park with the wacky slide? Is that the park by our parent's house?

Linda said...

Cute pics of all the kids together.