Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Nikos Has Friends in Tall Places

A few weeks ago when I was out in the Far East Bay we stopped by the Knight house to visit with Gail and Brayden.

Brayden was born in February of 2008, so he is about eight months younger than Nikos - and I think Nikos is FINALLY catching up to Brayden in height!

Thank goodness this second pic shows that he has a little bit of me in him, since I don't think he looks like me at all. On a side note (and more proof that he is my kid), I am happy to report that at daycare they have to put Nikos to bed after the rest of the kids because he won't stop talking and keeps the kids up. Ha! Totally my kid.

Olive is amused by the crazy antics of the boys.

Flash forward a few weeks when we stopped in LA (on our way to Scottsdale) for a visit with Suzanne and Hunter (at Jayme and Beck's house.)

Hunter is about five months younger than Nikos and the boys had a great time playing together. Since we had just finished an eight hour car ride, Nikos definitely needed to burn off some energy and Jayme's living room became an obstacle course of sorts for the boys.

We were messing around with the camera settings and didn't get what we intended, but I wanted to post these because they do some justice as to the frantic pace the kids were keeping. Jayme is due with a boy in June and I am sure after the night she was thankful it wasn't twin boys!

After tiring themselves out they relaxed and enjoyed the puppet show that we performed for them. And by puppet show I mean a Tivo of Yo Gabba Gabba while we drank wine.

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