Waiting patiently in the lobby (with my car keys as a distraction.)
And the stats!
Weight: 17.9lbs and 3rd percentile
Height: 28 inches and 12th percentile
Head Size: 24th percentile
Nikos Comparison at One Year and Two Weeks
Weight: 17lbs and 3rd percentile
Height: 28.5 inches and 5th percentile
Head Size: 25th percentile
Dr. Ray isn't concerned with the fact that she isn't crawling (forwards) yet, since Nikos was working on a slower pace as well with crawling and walking and turned out just fine. She said just to keep an eye on her and keep working on it and practicing and one day she will get it. We'll follow up again in a few months if we don't see any progress. I told Dr. Ray I think part of the problem is that whenever we are trying to get her to crawl to something (and she inevitably starts crying when she can't reach it) Nikos runs into the room yelling "It's okay Olive!" as he grabs the toy and hands it to her. Ha.
She babbled up a storm while we were there and impressed the doctor with all her sounds and mimics, along with her sunny disposition.
Here's how she occupied herself while we waited for the nurse to come over with the vaccinations.
Olive continues to be the easiest baby ever. She is happy about 95% of the time, is fairly adventurous with food (although she can still be a little picky sometimes) and she sleeps like a champ. We still put her down (wide awake) between 6:30-7:30pm and she usually gets up around 7:00-7:30am 0n school days and 8:30 on the weekends. She takes a three hour nap from 10am-1pm and then usually a shorter I think I'm still her favorite person but she loooves Nikos and gets super excited to see Daddy too. She loves anything with music and bops around dancing to the tunes. I think she is still partial to Puddy over Bosco, although she tolerates him constantly licking her in the face. She is such a beautiful addition to our family.
That might not be the look you have when on the scale, but my first thought when I saw that picture was how she looked exactly like you!
Heather at 10.5 months: 19 lbs and 29"
At 15.5 months: 21 lbs, 1 oz and 31.25"
(Not sure why the check-ups were at such odd ages)
Olive is SUCH a little cutie! She'll be crawling and getting into everything soon enough!
She is a little DREAM! Love her!
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