Monday, December 12, 2011

Flashback...September Candids

Trying to get caught up on my posts before Christmas is upon us.

Nikos and Olive started preschool the morning after we arrived home from Hawaii (at like 11pm or something.) Obviously a genius parenting move.

Here we are leaving the house to go to preschool. Olive was not happy in this pic but she perked up as soon as we arrived at the school.

Here's Olive's lunch cubby (not to be confused with her nap cubby and her extra clothes cubby.)

I was curious as to how Olive would transition but not really worried. She had already been in daycare and every time we picked Nikos up/dropped him off she would try to stay at his preschool. However, I didn't plan on her being so nonchalant about the drop off. We walked into the class, put items in all of her assorted cubbys and then she spotted the painting area.

She didn't even wave goodbye!

And you know how everyone says that the second child gets the short end of the sick? I mixed it up a little bit. I didn't even take any pics of Nikos in his new class. Whoops. I'll also state for the record that I wasn't at all worried about Nikos since he was just moving into the classroom directly next to his, with all of the same kids and four new ones. Turns out, I was right (he was fine.)


Not sure if everyone remembers, but Scabie Baby was accidentally left in Kauai with my parents - for more on her adventures without us click here.

While she was gone I started thinking Olive might actually be able to live without her. When we got home she asked where Scabie Baby was (and when I told her she was in Hawaii with Grammy and Pop-Pop she simply asked me to go get her.) Throughout the time I would have her check out Baby on my parents website and she seemed okay. I was all ready to tell my parents they didn't need to drop her off the second they got home when - this magazine arrived in the mail.

Yes, an American Girl catalog with a picture of a baby on it that bore a strong resemblance to Scabie. She shrieked, hugged the magazine and carried it around with her for a few weeks. Poor kid.


Another new item in the Romios household, bunkbeds! I lucked out and scored our neighbors' bunks when they were giving them away. (I took these pics in the middle of the night but turned the lights on.)

(Note - we let Olive use her pacifier until Baby came back but we took it away afterwards & she didn't even react!)

The kids have done really well in the bunk beds - Olive doesn't get up at the middle of the night or during naptime like we were afraid might happen. We put a guard on the side of the bed for awhile because Olive fell out (we just took it off last night) and we also stuffed pillows between the bed and the wall (she actually fell in that crack twice!) and another pillow under the bottom ladder wrong because she got her head stuck in their one time. (Can you tell she moves a lot in her sleep?)


Next up - the Komen Walk for Breast Cancer. One weekend morning in mid September my neighbor knocked on our door to let me know that the route for the walk was a block away from our house. I grabbed the kids and a Costco box of granola bars and chocolates and we headed to the corner to give out treats. It was so much fun! When I've done the walks one of my favorite things is when little kids are cheering for you and handing out treats in their neighborhood and I was really excited to have my kids take part in it.

And finally - just a cute pic of the kids.


Bill and Cindy said...

Love that you could turn the lights on in for the bunk bed pics, and neither one even stirred!

Brenda B. said...

Awesome new bunks.. but the coolest thing was the kids handing out treats to the walkers! I LOVE having people cheering waving flags like on the Pat Tillman Run. That's AWESOME!

Kristin said...

The bunk beds look great! I can't believe how big Baby O is getting!