you may or may not know, I am a little obsessed with sleeping next to my children. As in, my kids never slept in bed with me, they have both always been in their own cribs (so un-Berkeley!) and we pretty much kicked both of them to the curb (their own room) at 4 weeks. I am not even sure if Olive made it four weeks in our room or if we had her join Nikos earlier. In addition, we never really napped together - not saying that I was not (okay this still may occur) napping at the same was just in my own bed.
Anyway, whenever we go on vacation where we may be in one room (to read: my parents' Tahoe timeshare, Jen&Gus', Jennie Slinger's, Jayme&Beck's etc.) I always want to share the bed/aerobed with my kid because I am sure they are going to be all cute and cuddly all night. HA. So, this just in, Nikos does NOT cuddle. He takes up the whole bed and kicks and is generally not a fun person to sleep next to (and this from the kid who goes to bed and stays in the same position all night!) For some bizarro reason, I thought Olive might be different. Mostly bizarro since Olive is the craziest sleeper ever, to the point that I have had multiple mini-heart attacks thinking she is no longer in her crib when in fact she is curled up at the complete opposite end. I've also found her with her legs sticking out one side of the crib (my kids of the skinny chicken legs) and her arms out the opposite side. Okay. I digress...
Cecchin house, the night of the Beck party. Taki is out of town golfing in Palm Springs (I know, poor guy) so we decided it would be fun for the kids and I to spend the night. Nikos goes to sleep upstairs with Marco and Olive and I are going to sleep in the way downstairs (yes they have more than one downstairs so I have to say "way", after all, the Becks were in the regular downstairs.) Due to some miscommunication, we were down a pak-n-play (Tyler residing in the Cecchin PnP) so we had to get creative for Olive's bed. I felt like she would just get up/fall out of the loveseat so Jeff came up with the genius idea of flipping it around for her crib.
Picture (taken next morning) of the makeshift crib.
Olive: "Get out of my crib."
Me: (still half asleep) "huh?"
Olive: (calmly) "Get out of my crib."
Me: (realizing what she has said and somehow forgetting that she is 2 and deciding to reason with her) "uh no, this isn't your crib, your crib is over there (pointing to wall) this is the pull out couch (miming pulling it out.)"
Me: "Okay!" (Curl up at bottom of bed, hoping Olive doesn't notice I am still in said crib.)
Yes, this actually did happen.
And here is the picture of innocence watching cartoons in the morning.
Happy Monday!
Thanks for the laugh!
This killed me!!
I hear ya on the NON-co-sleeping. I am SO not PC in that respect either!
And as far as Olive is concerned.....I say you are one OBEDIENT mommy ;)
Way to go Olive!
This story never gets old. I could hear it a hundred times and still laugh out loud each time I hear it!
great story!
Great story!
Jayme told me this story and it is just as funny reading it again!
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