Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Packing Blows

So we just started packing up the house so we can move out for the renovation. Did I mention I HATE packing? Hate it hate it. Especially when we are not packing up to move to Manhattan Beach, but are instead moving to Antioch for the summer. Argh. I think Taki will be putting up some pictures of the work-in-progress renovation tonight so you can get a better idea of what we are doing. Basically we are adding a couple of hundred square feet so we can have a bigger kitchen, master bedroom and a more open living space. I think Taki is hoping it will stop me from whining about moving back to LA every few months. Ha, doubtful. We will be living in my parents house until October 31st - as they will be off on their two month vacation (oh to be retired!) I am crossing my fingers the house will be finished (or close to) when we return in November.

Alright, I better stop procrastinating and get back to packing. I left off contemplating whether I wanted to keep my Delta Gamma Winter Formal 1997 shotglass. Do I need this? It is , 10 years old. Are we too grown up for shotglasses now that we have a baby? I mean, shouldn't we upgrade to a jigger so that we can measure the alcohol we put in our drinks? Of course, who am I kidding, it's not like we run a bar, we just dump the vodka in liberally. Speaking of, I think I will make myself a Hangar One and tonic for the rest of the packing (note the time on this post, not only is it 5:00 somewhere, it is actually 5:00 here!)

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