Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Making Fun of Heather and Lt. Dan (version 2.0)

And now for your latest addition of...stupid things people say to me.

Anonymous: "Oh, you got your haircut."
Me: "Yup."
Anonymous: "Why?"

Anonymous: "At first I thought you looked skinnier, but now I just think it is your new haircut."
Me: What...huh?

Anonymous: "I like your new haircut. I wish I could have big hair."
Me: What...huh?

And my favorite...

Anonymous: "You look pretty today. Do you have more makeup on or something?"

Good times people, good times.

So this post isn't all about me, me, me, here's a video of Olive showing off both her crawling and her imitation of Lt. Dan.

I'll see if I can dig up a video of Nikos doing the same thing.


D'Angelo Family said...

I love your short hair! And if it makes you feel better, someone at work said to me "You almost look like you didn't just have a baby - you look like you just have 10lbs to go". Thanks.

Brenda B. said...

Poor Olive... she makes the cutest darned Lt. Dan though :)

Oh poor you too... ;)

AJ said...

So, let's see the haircut! Oh, and forgive my ignorance: Is Lt. Dan a dog with an itchy butt?

My fave: "You don't even look like you've had a baby!" (Oh, so I must have just LOOKED 50 lbs. overweight BEFORE I had my baby four months ago.)