Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Happy Birthday Mason (and Sarah!!)

Sunday we celebrated Mason's 3rd Birthday with a Rock Star party. At home we applied surf wax to Niko's badly-in-need-of-a-haircut hair and Nikos decorated the wrapping for Mason's present. I was very Martha Stewart and green and used some of Nikos' artwork (from Studio Grow) for the wrapping paper. I know, I am crafty.

The little rockstar and Mel's fabulous cake.

Mason taking a swing a the pinata.

We let Nikos have a swing after it was already busted open. He was totally into it! So were all of my chins!

The cousins pose with Grammy and Pop-Pop before they leave on their Trans-Atlantic cruise.

Nikos contemplates life, or perhaps he is just pondering Taki's new hair color (see below.)

And here's where I win Mother-of-the-Year. I was pushing Nikos on this little pink big wheel when my back started to hurt. I came up with the brilliant idea to just push him forward and let go. Hmm. Perhaps I should have made sure he had a good grip first. A collective gasp went up from all the partygoers on the patio - luckily when he took his tumble he didn't land head first, just sort of on his hands and knees, fortunately there weren't even any tears. Phew! So you see, it looks like I will be up for the MotY Award - although not sure I can live up to previous winner Heidi when she locked Nolan in the car outside of Dennys.

For fun click on the photo to enlarge it to see Nikos in the act of crashing off the trike and me with a slightly terrified look on my face. Nice.


The Press Family said...

OMG...hahahahaha....that is the BEST picture EVER! How in teh world did you ever catch that on film??? I don't know what's funnier, Nikos' legs in the air or the puckered "Oh S***" look on your face! Too Funny!!

Sarah said...

Hysterical pic. Heidi suddenly thrown under the bus? Who could've seen it coming?

Darcy said...

Knowing Nikos was ok, what a GREAT picture!! The photographer should win an award.

Nick, Jocelyn and Kevin said...

Ahhh, I'm laughing so hard right now. FANTASTIC picture!!! (And I'm glad Nikos was OK!!)

D'Angelo Family said...

Thanks for going first. Now I can post the rest of my pictures online too. (and my secret code that I have to spell is "fught" - is it just me or is that funny)?

Alina said...

omg that picture is classic - what perfect timing (for the photog of course!) - glad he was OK :)

Anonymous said...

That is the funniest picture I've ever seen...I'm still cracking up.