Monday, November 10, 2008

Busy Weekend

This past weekend was full of fun and friends.

On Friday night we enjoyed East Bay Happy Hour at the D'Angelo house. I was a photo slacker so here's pretty much the only evidence. It looks like a friendly little picture alright but this is a few minutes prior to No-Share Nikos trying to pelt Marco in the head with a plastic stacking ring. I think Brooke was hiding in the kitchen. Smart kid.

Saturday morning was a drizzly, slightly humid day, evidenced by Nikos' big hair. (You will note there will no be no photos of me from Saturday.) He spent the morning taking calls and making plans for the night.

The Grochol's joined us for a spaghetti dinner. Nikos enjoyed following Ryan around and for her part she was very patient with him. Here's a sample of their conversation:

Nikos (pointing at his giraffe picture): "Uuuh uuh."
Ryan: "Yes Nikos, that's a giraffe."
Nikos (pointing at his giraffe picture): "Uuuh uuh."
Ryan: "Yes, that's a giraffe."
And this same broken record went on for a few minutes. See what I mean about patience? I had to leave the room.

Ryan shows off her Sheeba Shaaba dance while Nikos and Reese count our leftover Halloween candy.
Maybe Nikos didn't trust he counts the candy again on his own.

Sunday morning Taki, Nikos and I headed to Habitot. We figured now that we are members we should get our moneys worth!

Back at Spacecamp, Nikos models the XL astronaut helmet. Hey, it is hard to find something that makes his head like small!

Inside the shuttle, Nikos works the controls.

Playing with the water feature.

I demonstrated how to rake leaves and explained how we would most likely have to move somewhere else if he ever wanted to do it in real life. I don't think he was too impressed with the chore.

In the art room he experiments with Gak (sp?) The art room "teacher" said that kids either love it or hate it. Let's put it this way, he was not impressed.

In the grocery store/cafe Nikos rings Taki up for a meal. Luckily he accepted the fake cash as payment.

Niko and I read a book in the Reading Room.

Sunday afternoon Nikos and I drove over to Emeryville to see The Sippy Cups in concert. Yes people, THE SIPPY CUPS. They were playing at a new Kids Club a few miles from our house that has various activities during the day and also boasts a kid friendly restaurant, complete with beer and wine for the adults. It actually wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It would have been better if I was drinking a beer (in a clear cup with a lid and a straw, like many of the other parents...but I digress.) The venue was a little bit chaotic, but the kids sure were into it. Nikos was a little bit young for the event but he seemed to enjoy himself. He was a big fan of the confetti that fell from the ceiling and the giant balloons the audience and band members were batting around.

Not the best picture - I look like a man and Nikos is pissed because he is having a bad hair day.

Here he is standing on his own (with a little added support from mom), watching the Cups.

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