Thursday, January 28, 2010

7 More Inches and She Can Ride the Matterhorn

I'm finally getting around to posting Olive's 9 month checkup results. First things first, she actually didn't get in there until she was 10 months (and 10 days old) - of course, Nikos was 10 months as well so at least we were consistent.

First for the photos.

That's it. What? I know. I'll give you one guess as to which parent took her to the doctor.

And now for the stats:
Weight: 17 lbs and 10%
Height: 28 inches and 50%

And now for the fun comparisons:

Nikos at 10 months. Weight: 15lbs 10.3oz and just below 5% Height: 27.5 inches and 10%.

And for more fun comparisons I cruised a couple of my friends' blogs that have children roughly around the same age and discovered:

At 9.5 months the Stecher twins weighed in at 19lbs for Tessa and 18lbs, 4oz for Annie.
At 6 months the Press (Slinger) twins weighed in at 16.5lbs for Trevor and 15lbs for Dylan.

Looks like I just make 'em small! (And apparently lazy too if you check out the Stecher twins - hee hee!)


Sara said...

At this rate, she can stay in her carseat for a while longer!

I love her ponytail! :)

Shawna said...

She's defintiely tiny, but so cute! I loved seeing her this weekend! Oh, and you're definitely not lazy!!!

Sarah said...

You're totally lazy. And tiny.