Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Gingerbread House for Humanity

Wow, so much fun in December it is hard to keep up with the posts.

Flash back to December 20th when Grammy and Pop-Pop had Nikos and Kira over to build their gingerbread house. (Maile and Mason had already built their house.) Taki and I took advantage of the fact that they were offering to make us dinner so we crashed the house building and spent some time watching tv while they all worked hard on the construction.

Turns out Nikos had no clue that the decorations were actually just candy. He was diligently adding them to his side of the house when Taki came over and popped a gumdrop into his (Taki's mouth.) Dumbfounded would be an accurate word in describing Niko's expression. Although a lot more candy went into his mouth after this point, he was still no match for Kira (who knew what to do from the beginning!)

Olive occupied herself playing dress up and entertaining us.

I know Olive can't wait to join in the fun in a few years!


Bill and Cindy said...

This was SO much fun! It's interesting to us to notice how each age approaches the decorating of the gingerbread houses. One thing they all have in common, though -- eating the decorations!

It IS true that Nikos was SO focused on placing the treats on the house that he didn't notice Kira licking and munching as she worked! Once Taki gave it away, he gave Kira a run for her money!

Linda said...

Heather, what a beautiful picture of you and Olive!